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Shaggy Mohawk And Stunning White Plumage Flecked With Black On Back And Wings, Crested Kingfisher Is Worth Attention

Crested kingfisher is distinctive. These birds look so cool with shaggy Mohawk. You’ve heard of this trendy hairstyle, right? They were born with it, a chic one.

Large kingfishers also have the stunning coat. Beautiful white plumage is flecked with black on the back and wings. These features can also make them stand out in the world of birds.

To recognize male and female crested kingfishers, you can look at their chest’s feathers. The male has some striking orange feathers scattering around their chest but the female doesn’t.

Crested kingfishers are native to parts of southern Asia. They commonly live in the mountains and foothills where there are small and large rivers. They hunt fish and crayfish for food.

Sometimes, these birds are found nesting on overhangs, branches, and partly submerged logs.

Unlike other birds, these kingfishers dig a barrow in a vertical bank to lay eggs. Both males and females join the work. When there are 4-7 eggs, the female will incubate them on their own. The male will help the female feed the chicks until they are fully-fledged, about 40 days old.

You can watch the video of this beautiful bird below.

H/T: One Big Birdcage

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