We Love Animals

Woman Boosts Her Dog’s Mood With Super Adorable Cones Every Day

Every dog is a good dog. They deserve to receive love and care. When these furry guys feel that they are truly loved, they will give their humans much more. They’re loyal friends, perfect companions, and responsible co-workers.

Finn the Golden Retriever in this story is a lucky dog. His mom really cares about his mood and does her best to make him feel better.

The good dog has always been incredibly laid-back. He’s easygoing, fairly lazy, and loves snuggling up to his mom whenever he has a chance.

When Finn had to wear a cone for two weeks, his mom scrolled through Pinterest looking for ideas to make him feel a bit more comfortable.

“He was not thrilled to wear the cone, but did so begrudgingly,” Jenn Frates, Finn’s mom, told The Dodo.

Frates found the solution. She dressed Finn’s cones up a bit every day in two weeks, allowing her dog to have a different look. By doing so, Finn wouldn’t focus on the annoying cone anymore.

The “trick” of Frates to divert Finn’s attention away from his cones worked so well. The dog was pleased with the super adorable cones that his mom made for him every day. Life would be easier with love and care. The woman did an excellent job.

After Frates shared cute photos of Finn and his cones, they went viral. People fell in love with the cuteness of Finn and the care of his mom for him.

“I’m glad it’s put a smile on so many faces in such a dreary year,” Frates said. “I loved reading the comments that said, ‘I needed to see this today,’ or ‘This is exactly what we need to see this year.’ Warmed my heart!”

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