We Love Animals

30 Hilarious Photos Of Dogs From The #DisapprovingDogChallenge

If your dogs have strong opinions about humans and things around them, you will get a lot of fun when raising them. These furry guys dare to raise their voices, agreeing, or disagreeing with something. They show their facial expressions and make actions. Looking at these and you can definitely read what these guys are thinking. And this turns out incredibly adorable and hilarious. Their expressions can always bring you a much-needed laugh for a tough or boring day. Perfect cure for tiredness and stress!

And here 30 hilarious photos of dogs for the #DisapprovingDogChallenge. This Facebook hashtag has gone viral. It invites dog owners from all over the world to share pics of their best friends being grumpy and giving most disapproving looks. You won’t stop laughing when scrolling down. Their facial expressions are so real. Some are even good enough to pave a way for themselves to Hollywood. Let’s check them out!

1. “Put your hands up! You are sneaky. What are you doing here? I’m gonna go inside and tell my mom.”

2. “Mom, Will I have a haircut? Some hair covers my vision a bit”

3. “You are seeing what? You haven’t got what I say. I told you to pick me up for shopping but you didn’t.”

4. “I’m just awake. It is too sunny outside.”

5. “Is it scared? That’s how I dress up for Halloween. Of course, I also show this when my siblings get me irritated.”

6. “You are saying what? I haven’t got what you mean. Could you repeat it?”

7. “What is happening over there? Any stranger coming to my home at my birthday?”

8. “I do not need any cuddle now, mom. Let me be.”

9. “You told me to act like a good boy and I did it.”

10. “Huh? What’s that? You’re gonna buy me a new toy?”

11. “Look, bro! Some sneaky guys are approaching our home. Just observe it carefully.”

12. “Don’t take a photo of me! I’m not in mood for today.”

13. This guy seems not to be ready to be a big brother.

14. “I’m angry. You must know the reason, right? You haven’t taken me for a walk yet.”

15. “Hi, I’m an old furry friend.”

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