We Love Animals

30 Funny Comics That Reveal The Reality Of Living With A Cat

Meet Lucas Turnbloom, a cartoonist from Southern California, who created hilarious comics about the bittersweet life with a cat. The comics have become a global hit and have found an audience on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

He shared that he and his wife rescued a sweet but mischievous little cat, so he decided to turn her shenanigans into comics. He hopes to continue it in the coming years.

If you’d like a little more laughter and cuteness, please check out his Facebook and Instagram to update the newest comics. Now let’s enjoy the catty comics “How To Cat”! We’re sure that most of you can relate with these.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

1. My heart will go on.

2. The world’s fastest animals.

3. An angel and an evil

4. We imagine the cat as some kind of bouncy Pokemon.

5. I absolutely LOVE the crossover!

6. F*** everything

7. We can’t be angry with them.

8. A bird flew by…

9. Signs your cat really does like you!

10.  Can spot a bug…

11. Liquid?

12.  Sweetie in the sky with diamonds.

13. Cat is just protecting you by keeping a look out at your most vulnerable time.

14. Cat loaf bread

15. “I don’t like it.”

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