We Love Animals

20+ Dogs Who Are Living By Their Own Rules, And This Is Hilarious

Dogs have their own kind of logic. And of course, we find it hard to understand them sometimes. We see their gestures and actions “weird” but these furry guys find them understandable. We look at us with the innocent face like “Is there anything wrong with it?” No one can resist this, right? As we love them, we will gradually accept and love all their odds. And these animals have their inner charm to make humans around them fall in love with all of them.

This collection would be an excellent choice for those who are looking for hilarious photos of dogs. These dogs are living with their own rules, breaking the perception of “normal”. They will bring you a lot of smiles and laughter. If you also snap this kind of pics of your dogs, why don’t you share with us? They’re the perfect therapy for boring and tiring days. Let’s check them out!

1. “I just caught my dog trying to climb up a pole.”

2. “My dog is holding a single piece of dry pasta between her paws and eating it.”

3. “He thinks this painting is a window.”

4. “My dog chewed a hole in my blanket and then did this.”

5. “My dog’s best friend is a brick.”

6. “He saw us feeding the ducks and pretended to be one.”

7. “My coworker’s dog got herself stuck underneath their shed.”

8. “Every time we eat dinner my dog starts bawling, so we got her a chair to feel more included.”

9. “I can’t tell Tank ’no’ for anything in the world because then he does this and makes me feel like crap.”

10. “Your dog holds their frisbee one way…mine holds it the ’special’ way.”

11. “My dog just pushed the door open, winked at me and left.”

12. “This is how my dogs sleep.”

13. “Reggie ran into the wall chasing his ball and he’s very proud of the dent he made.”

14. “I sent my dog outside as punishment for standing on the dining room table. This was his response.”

15. “My mom’s dog is watching me eat chips.”

16. “Even though he always has a fresh bowl of water, he sits there scratching the wall until I turn the water on so that he can drink it.”

17. “This is how my dog drinks water.”

18. When your dog has some dominance issues:

19. “My dog chewed a hole through a ball and then wore it as a headdress.”

20. “My dog is too lazy to stand guard outside the bathroom so he posts his favorite toy there instead.”

21. “My neighbors complained that it’s too cold for my dog to be outside all day during the winter. I sent them this.”

22. Apparently, she doesn’t know how to use her shade.

23. “This is how my dog begs for food.”

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