We Love Animals

15 Funny Haircuts That Make Pets Look Almost Humans

How to turn your pets into humans? Giving them a human-like haircut is definitely worth mentioning. It quickly makes your pets look almost humans. Just compare their new haircut with its original look. Clearly, these furry friends become cooler and cuter, then steal the hearts of more people around them. And the human-like haircut is the one that makes your pets different from others. You can easily identify them from a long distance. Pairing with adorable appearance, this offers you a lot of fun and smiles.

Here are 15 adorable animals with human-like haircuts. The haircut makes them look more human than ever before. If you are looking for hilarious pics of the pets, just give these a look. You certainly burst out laughing with the first photos. Pet owners who are thinking of changing the hairstyle for their pet, might also consider these. Get ready to meet these guys? Here we go!

1. “I feel like he’s going to ask me for something.”

2. How to become a real lady:

3. “My dog got a haircut yesterday!”

4. “It was about time for a haircut. Maggie loves haircuts.”

5. His first haircut is something straight out of a movie.

6. “I can be a supermodel. Where can I fill out the application?”

7. One fancy haircut can change your appearance.

8. “Looks like someone isn’t happy with his new coiffure.”

9. “Is he wearing a fancy new coat? Oh, no! It’s his fur!”

10. A new haircut = a new dog

11. She looks like a movie star from the ’90s.

12. “Teddy has been working hard on his beard.”

13. From a fluffy doggo to a cute pup

14. “Kitzy looks like a character from a fairy tale!”

15. Meet a puppy with pigtails!

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