We Love Animals

15+ Photos Proving That Animals Are An Endless Source Of Happy Hormones

Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins are famously happy hormones that are known for their ability to promote positive feelings like pleasure, happiness, and even love. These hormones are the body’s chemical messengers that can help people bond, feel joy, and experience pleasure, according to science.

There are some natural ways to increase happy hormones that will boost your mood and emotions. Research has found that carbohydrate foods can increase your levels of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. But in this post, we would like to share with you a simple way to boost them naturally.

You might not believe but pets are an endless source of happy hormones. They can have your happy hormone level increased by over 130% after playing with you for over half an hour. If you don’t believe, scroll down to check for yourself! We are sure that these sweetest pics will put a smile on your face and make your day brighter!

1. We always thought he would grow into his ears…

2. Colby will stare at you in adoration until you pet him, rescue doggo.

3. The cutest *MLEM* you’ll see all day

4. Can’t resist these beautiful blue eyes!

5. Hi hooman, wanna go for a walk?

6. The snow booped the snoot!

7. Boots with the furrr…

8. He’s only 4 months old!

9. This baby came straight from a Disney movie!

10. My Shepherd puppy is in the “Teepee” ear stage.

11. These snow white teef!

12. Never seen a happier floofer.

13. So proud of herself for learning to sit.

14. Smol partners in crime.

15. “My face when mom calls me a little tyrant”

16. Zoe is smiling at you because she knows you got this! Trust Zoe.

17. The definition of pure joy!

18. Hooman! Throw ball, I catch!

19. Do you ever look at someone and wonder, “What is going on inside their head?”

Are you a pet owner? Does your pet make you happy? We’d be happy to see his or her pictures in the comment section below! Be sure to share this post with your friends and family members!

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