We Love Animals

20 Times Animals Were Caught Right In The Act

Sometimes our animal friends get caught in the act with hilarious consequences. Some pet owners are lucky enough to catch their beloved pets in the act and share their photos with the world. From opening the fridges on their own to sleeping at the most unusual positions, animals are more talented than we image.

If you’re curious to see how clever animals can really be, take a look at our list below! Here are 20 animals that were caught right in the act by their owners. We are sure that these animals will make your day better and get your daily dose of happiness.

1. “When you’re napping but you also have to practice your ballet.”

2. “I finally caught whoever’s been letting the cat in the garage.”

3. “Spent 10 minutes looking for my cat before I went to bed. Found him asleep in a wok on top of the freezer.”

4. My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth.

5. “So… I recently discovered my dog likes carrots.”

6. “Setting up a new fish tank and came back to find my cat inside of it.”

7. “Found one of my cat’s hoarding stashes.”

8. “One of my pillows fell off my bed. This is where I found it in the morning.”

9. I caught my cat trying to be invisible.

10. “Found her sleeping inside a pillow.”

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