We Love Animals

20+ Photos That Prove Pets Can Make Our Lives Meaningful And Happy

If you are a pet owner, you know that pets can bring unconditional love, great companionship, and happiness into your life. They never fail to cheer you up and make your life brighter. Moreover, having a pet can even have an impact on your physical and mental health in a good way. Some studies have also shown that pet owners are healthier and happier than those who don’t.

No doubt about it: Pets can make us feel good and help us stay well. That’s the reason why we decided to collect some photos of furry buddies who always try to make our lives better and healthier. Scroll down to take a look!

1. “Pure love.”

2. “Who said dogs and cats can’t be best friends?”

3. “This was the day we picked up Raymond at the airport after his flight from Sydney. We were only meant to foster him. We failed.”

4. “No work today!”

5. “My cat hugs my arm and sleeps on the table every day when I work from home.”

6. “Fell asleep in momma’s arms.”

7. “This is how my cat sits.”

8. “Our Ruby is very debonair.”

9. “Best cuddle buddy”

10. “Our cat kept scaling our tall fence, so my husband built her a window/perch through the fence.”

11. “Oh how they melt hearts.”

12. “My daughter and her kitten — the 2 are inseparable!”

13. “This is the way our dog looks at my husband when he comes home after being gone all day.”

14. “Is this supposed to be me?”

15. “This is Simba. He loves playing outside, but comes inside from time to time just to check if I’m still ok.”

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