We Love Animals

10+ Examples Of Love And Support That We Can Find In Our Pets

11. “My old girl loves to come say hi in the morning.”

12. “My dog likes to check on me to make sure I’m still having a good time on our walk.”

13. “I pretended to be in a good mood and my dog was happy with me. And then I pretended to cry and he brought me a toy to make me feel better.”

14. “Meet Miss Cleo. She’s 19 years old and has been with me for most of my adult life.”

15. “He usually sleeps at my feet. But when I’m sad or not feeling well, he comes up to me and looks at me with his big brown eyes.”

16. “Rescued this sweet boy from the shelter on my birthday. He did not like people, as he was abused before. He spent a week hiding under the bed and another week not letting me touch him, and look what he did today. My heart feels so full!”

17. “I was mowing the grass and I found this hare. My grandma fed him and they had a connection. When she cooks, he’s near. When she watches TV, he’s on her lap. They even sleep together.”

18. “Yesterday I picked up my best friend for the foreseeable future.”

19. “My foster dog, Max, is too scared to let me touch him but makes sure I’m taken care of.”

20. “After a lifelong phobia of dogs, my mom seems to be getting over it. This is how her and my dog look at each other.”

21. “I was crying at 2 am when Mowgli jumped into my bed. He tried to console me by licking my face, snuggling up next to me, and bringing me one of his bones. But nothing helped…”

Has your pet ever supported and comforted you during difficult times? We love to see the photos of your fluffy friend, so feel free to share them with us in the comments below! If you love these pics, please share them with your friends and family members to make their day brighter!

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