We Love Animals

Smart Little Hummingbird Knows How To Build A Home With A Roof

Humans aren’t the only species that build homes and structures. Animals in the animal kingdom, just like us, need a safe and warm place to stay and raise their family. So, it’s not surprising that nature is full of amazing structures that animals build to protect them against the weather and hide them from their predators.

However, few constructions in nature bring to mind a sense of comfort and warmth quite like nests – treetop homes built with so much love and care by birds to look after and raise their babies.

Bianca Caroline Soares is a conservation officer at a Paraguayan nature reserve, so she is familiar with seeing hummingbird nests perched on branches in the wilds near her home. But on a walk last Spring, she found something extremely different that made her excited. She spotted a bird nest that had its own roof!

This clever hummingbird mom creatively utilized her environment to make her home extra special and comfortable. She ingeniously chosen a tree branch to build a house with a roof. Needless to say, this home was a great place to start a happy and warm family.

Soares was so impressed because this nest was nothing like any of the nests she’d seen before. “I saw five hummingbird nests that day, but this was the most ingenious,” Soares told The Dodo.

Over the next weeks, Soares continued to visit the clever bird’s nest and spotted the mom had two hummingbird babies. And of course, the mom’s thoughtfulness certainly helped her own tiny family. Thanks to the shade provided from that leafy roof, she can keep her babies comfy even on the hottest days.

Soares said she hopes the mother’s ingenious construction will inspire people to take better care of nature. If you want to help her, let’s share the story with your friends and family members!

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