We Love Animals

This Drowsy Kitten Is So Cute When He Attempts To Wake Up In The Morning

For many people, waking up early and getting enough sleep seems like an impossible task. When you don’t want to wake up in the morning you may not be getting quality sleep, and all things you need is to continue sleeping a bit longer. Even when the alarm rings, you don’t care it and go back to sleep immediately.

Just like humans, animals, especially our feline friends, hate getting up early or anything like that. Although kittens generally spend most of their day sleeping, they do not seem to get enough sleep and always feel sleepy.

We completely understand that because they can be exhausted after playing and destroying your house. And when they get tired, sleeping is unavoidable. However, when they sleep or wake up from a nap, we’re sure you’ll agree they’re darned cute.

As you can see in the video below, this sleepy cat is so cute when he doesn’t want to wake up in the morning. He tries to wake up, and then quickly decides to go right back to sleep. After all, he loves sleeping more than anything, and he really doesn’t want to get out of his cozy blanket. Adorable!

Watch the cute video here:

Are you having a rough week? Let this adorable sleepy kitten brighten up your day with his extreme cuteness! We believe that this guy is now breaking the Internet with his adorableness. Such a cute little kitty!

Love this video? Please share it with your friends and family members to make their day better!

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