We Love Animals

Brave Border Collie Saves Flock Of Sheep From Wildfires In Australia

Australia is being suffered from one of the worst bushfire crises the world has seen in decades. Some recent heartbreaking statistics have surfaced that are truly gut-wrenching. Many firefighters and volunteers have risked their lives to fight the massive bushfires that spread across Australia. Animals are no exception. They also do their best to save not only those of their kind but every living soul that is in need of help.

Meet Patsy, a border collie from Corryong in Victoria, who is being hailed a hero after saving a flock of sheep from a bushfire. The smart dog and her owner fought the catastrophic fires bravely to save the flock of sheep from the wall of fire.

Although the bushfire was tearing through farmland and moving ever closer toward Pasty and her owner, the two ventured out to ensure the sheep were as safe as could be. Pasty the dog fearlessly rounded up the sheep and herded them away from the blaze, making sure they were at the safest paddock on the farm.

Cath Hill, sister of Patsy’s owner, took to social media to share the heroic story of how Pasty helped to herd their sheep from wall of fire as the flames approached. The story of the brave border collie has melted the hearts of people from all around the world.

“Allow me to introduce Patsy the wonder dog,” Mrs Hill wrote. “In the early hours of 31 December 2019, while fire in Corryong was bearing down … she and my brother rounded up the sheep and brought them to the safest paddock on the farm as I fought the fire in a tractor with a tank of water.”

Allow me to introduce Patsy the wonder dog. In the early hours of 31 December 2019, while fire in Corryong was bearing down them, she and my brother rounded up the sheep and brought them to the safest paddock on the farm. She then found a safe spot while my brother fought the fire with a tractor and a tank of water. Almost all sheep are safe, along with the hay bales and silage, the shearing shed, and both farm houses. My brother doesn’t do social media, but Patsy does. Great job little girl ????Update 7 January 2020 – Patsy and her family are busy cleaning up the farm and helping others get sorted out. You can help too! They would love you to donate to these bushfire relief fundraising collections: https://www.wildlifevictoria.org.au/?view=article&id=145:helping-wildlife-during-bushfires&catid=11:wildlife-informationhttps://blazeaid.com.au/donations/how-donate/https://www.redcross.org.au/campaigns/disaster-relief-and-recovery-donateUpdate 5 January 2020 – Patsy is now on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/p/B67HA-xHJSH/?igshid=126abkbj2hytc #patsythecorryongwonderdog #strongincorryongUpdate 4 January 2020 – Patsy’s story is spreading, so for those people who would like to donate funds to help the Upper Murray community, please support these links which are confirmed to be genuine and keep sharing Patsy’s post ????https://www.parksideproduce.net.au/products/feed-for-fire-gift-voucherhttps://www.gofundme.com/f/xycjem-cudgewa-has-burnt?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheethttps://www.gofundme.com/f/a-little-town-and-its-community-need-some-help?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

Posted by Cath Hill on Friday, January 3, 2020

Thanks to Patsy, Cath Hill, and her owner, almost all of the sheep were saved. After the talented dog got the sheep to safety, Cath went to praise and film the good girl sitting on the burnt field. She tells Patsy: “Hey Patsy, can you hear those sheep? That’s all your work, well done. You little champion, good girl.”

If you love Pasty, you can follow her on Instagram. Love this story? Please share it with your friends and family members and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in comments below!

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