We Love Animals

25 Animals Who Are Totally Against Selfies But Still Look Very Cute And Funny

The art of taking selfies has exploded and deeply ingrained into our society. It has become one of the most hilarious things going viral right now. As if there is not enough selfie pictures, the animal kingdom has even gotten into the game. Oh, and believe us when we tell you – they’re good at taking them. Animal selfies are not only amusing, but they might even make you green with envy because some of them are undeniably photogenic. Although it has officially been adopted by the animal kingdom, not all animals love to take selfie. Some of them hate seeing a phone camera shoved in front of their faces. And their answer to that is simply to act grumpy and silly.

For this reason, we have collected a list of selfies where pets were don’t want to take selfie with their human friends. Scroll down to check out the hilarious animal selfies below. Some are so good that they’re sure to put a smile on your face and make your day better.

1. Cuteness is a state of mind.

2. It’s too early in the morning!

3. “I am going to keep ignoring you until you take away that camera.”

4. Let’s take a picture to remember the happy occasion!

5. “I’m too special to be grumpy.”

6. Anyone can pull off the surprised look.

7. “Please, someone help me.”

8. “Just take my paw and leave me alone.”

9. Being silly in bed

10. Pretending to think about life

11. “You see that rage? It’s coming your way!”

12. This was a warning shot:

13. “I’ve simply accepted my fate.”

14. “Come on now, human. I was sleeping.”

15. Is there any time of the day that you’re not cute?

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