We Love Animals

20+ Pets Who Just Don’t Want To Leave Their Humans For A Minute

Humans and pets can build a strong bond. Sometimes, these four-legged friends make people feel like they find their soulmate. These animals may sense their owner’s feelings. They can give their humans comfort when they need it most. They run to you from somewhere, snuggle up to you, and look at you with innocent eyes. They are enough to heal any pain and warm up the coldest hearts.

In this post, we’re glad to share 28 pets who don’t want to leave their owners for a minute. They find their ways (tricks) to break the private space of their owners. But we can never stay mad at these “intruders”. They are so adorable as they often show off helpless and innocent face after doing anything. They just love your cuddle and care anywhere at any time. Let’s check them out!

1. “It’s a good way to play peek-a-poo and accompany my human everywhere. I’m still a puppy, so no one could identify me.”

2. “I just want you to know that I will always love you, even when I’m grown up.”

3. “I don’t want to leave you for a minute, man. I will stand here, not disturb you when you are shaving.”

4. “Finally, I found the new use of the pullover hoodie. I can take a nap here without disturbing my mom.”

5. “Dad, could you talk to me? I don’t want to stay alone for any minute.”

6. “My mom is sleeping but I don’t want to stay away from her.”

7. “What are you listening to? Let me try it!”

8. “Luckily. My dad is strong enough to carry me. Feel like I’m the luckiest boy in this world.”

9. “Watch out for my little brother when he’s taking a nap.”

10. “Just do what we do. We still stay together.”

11. “This guy sneaks into the toilet and refuses to get out.”

12. “Good morning, mom! It’s time to wake up, eat something delicious and start our day.”

13. “I don’t want to play that game alone. Could you please come to join me?”

14. “This is how I interrupt my mom while she is watching TV.”

15. “Good friend means a good companion.”

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