We Love Animals

20+ Pet Owners Who Get Surprised With Their 4-Legged Friends

One of the greatest things about having pets is the sweet, unconditional love they give us. Moreover, they always surprise us with their funny and strange behaviors. Even when we have lived with our pets for a long time, we are not always ready for the surprises that they bring us. You can find things like dead birds, mice, and even frogs on your doorstep or your bed. You can also see their silly or mischievous actions every single day. But no matter what they do, we still love them and consider them as members of family.

We were amazed by the stories that pet owners shared, so we have collected some of them to share with our readers. Scroll below to check out!

1. “He won’t stop growing. Send help.”

2. An observation point in an unusual place

3. “I bought my dad a puppy 6 months ago, 120 lbs later he’s the biggest boy.”

4. When you decide to eat…

5. “I’m a middle school teacher. My dog escaped from my house and figured out the way to school today. Everyone liked that.”

6. “A video of my cat’s sixth attempt to jump on the counter”

7. “As I look into the abyss, the abyss looks into me.”

8. “This is Melly. She tried to eat a wasp. Thought it was a sky raisin.”

9. “She loves to eat zucchini.”

10. Caught red-handed

11. Cats are a liquid.

12. “Grace worries a lot when her people wash their ’stuffed animals.’”

13. “Caught him falling.”

14. “My friend lives above a punk bar and sent us this pic of her dog and the regulars.”

15. A woman adopted an old dog, and it turned out it was her puppy that she had to give up in her childhood.

“When I was a little girl, my granny bought me a puppy named Chloe. Sadly, 4 years later my dad got a job and we had to move where we couldn’t have a dog, so I had to give her up. We gave her to the Washington Humane Society and I never knew what happened to her. I’ve never seen her since that day. A couple of days ago, I saw a post from a FB friend needing to rehome their elderly dog named Chloe… It turned out they took her from the Washington Humane Society at approximately the same time I gave my dog up. I took her to the vet to be scanned and the numbers were an exact match!”

16. “She brings me leaves, I give her forehead kisses.”

17. “We adopted a puppy that was a ’toy terrier which won’t grow anymore.’ Something went wrong.”

18. When you tell your hair dresser you just want a trim:

19. When you suddenly feel someone gazing at you:

20. “After 2 hours of brushing”

21. “It’s worth several hours in the bathroom. Right, owner?”

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Do your pets usually surprise you? Feel free to share your stories with us in comments below!

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