We Love Animals

30+ Cats Who Instantly Regretted Their — Poor Life Choices

We all know the troubles our feline friends can get up to, well bored Panda have put together some of the very best situations cats have been discovered in, cat-fails if you will.

Have you ever caught your cat in a little bit of a predicament of its own? Post your photos in the comments and like or comment on your favourite photos as you go through becuase as always, we would love to hear from you!

1. “This hammock is NOT working out for me.”

2. “You just going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to help me?”

3. “Hmmmm, okay I’ll admit I got my calculations wrong on this one.”

4. “I’ve come as Napoleon..”

5. “Throw it. I’m open!’……. “F%#@*”

6. “Help! I’m drowning, OoOoOoOo quarter!”

7. “Yeah, I don’t even know, I could smell food, don’t judge me!”

8. “This is actually going surprisingly well, why is my photo on that stupid list?”

9. “Errr.. Don’t just stand there, help me out!”

10. “There was a bug…it’s gone now. But it uhhh over powered me, yeah it over powered me.”

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