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Cats Inspired

These Two Blind Cats Never Let Their Disability Stop Them From Living Life

Grace and Max are two rescue blind cats who come from Saving Grace Rescue in San Francisco. Despite being disabled, they never let it slow them down. Luckily, the two cats had a happy ending after a couple adopted them and gave them a loving, forever home.

Josh Norem is a talented photographer who runs his business called The Furrtographer. Also, he is an owner of several blind cats over the years, so he loves helping these cats find forever homes.

“As a blind cat lover I became aware that a lot of these special needs animals get euthanized when they arrive at a shelter, so I got involved in Cat Rescue to help cats like them (seeing and non-seeing) find homes. And I figured one of the best ways to help them was to make sure they had great pictures.”

He shared the two cats’ story on his website: “For several years now I’ve offered my photography services Pro bono to Saving Grace Rescue in San Francisco. As the owner of several blind cats over the years, the unique cats they take in have always been very special to me, and I love helping them find homes! The only real “downside” if I can call it that, even though it’s not, is that I often meet a cat once, take his or her photo, and then never see them again since they are usually adopted quickly. On the same note, it’s extremely rare that I ever get to see an adopted cat in its forever home, so you can imagine my surprise and delight when a couple who adopted not one but TWO blind cats from Saving Grace emailed me about a photo session. I had been following these cats on their Instagram for a while, so I was thrilled to be able to see them both together in their forever home!”

Max is a Russian Blue cat whose gregarious nature magically melts everyone’s hearts. His eyeballs were ruptured when he was a baby. If he was placed in some other shelter, he would have already been put down, but thanks to Saving Grace rescue, he had a second chance at life. He was able to undergo eye surgery and he was able to recover fully and grow into a handsome and healthy cat.

“I have to say that little Max looked pretty bad when I first met him. His eyeballs had ruptured, but with plenty of love and eventual surgery to clean everything up, he was able to recover fully and blossom into a healthy, loving cat,” Josh shared on his website.

Grace was a really shy kitten. She was blind when the couple met her. At that moment, they knew that she would be a perfect addition to their family. Grace grew into a beautiful cat, and now she becomes Max’s best buddy.

“Here are some photos of Max and Grace that their mom sent me. They have become fast fur friends, and will always be there for each other. Hopefully in a year or two I can photograph them again as cute, adult cats, and best friends!”

Here is the lovely couple – Janell and Justin, who adopted Max and Grace.

“They are not only exceedingly kind and awesome, but true heroes for saving these two special kittens. Thank you for giving these cats a home, and for giving me the opportunity to take these photos,” Josh shared.

The two cats get along so well together and love each other! They are not letting anything slow them down!

If you love Max and Grace, you follow them on Instagram to see more their photos and videos.

What do you think about this story? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family members!

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