We Love Animals

20 Clumsy Animals That Constantly Get Into Trouble For Their Antics

When it comes to instincts and senses, animals are often more impressive than us. They can see farther, smell better, run faster, jumper higher, and basically do everything better than us. However, just like us, animals can be silly, serious, and of course, clumsy. No matter how wonderful they are, they cannot avoid getting into trouble that looks really funny and ridiculous every now and then. Their curious nature and their antics can pull them into all kind of scrapes. They stumble and fall, get trapped and find themselves in the most awkward situations like many of us do.

Here are 20 hilarious photos of clumsy animals that can be seen struggling with the simplest tasks. Take a look at this list and have a good laugh at these funny creatures! We can’t stop laughing at these pictures, and we hope that they will put a smile on your face.

1. “Stop taking pictures and help me out, you hairless monkeys!”

2. A little help please, anyone?

3. He was just trying to be a good boy and bring the toy, but it’s not that easy.

4. Curiosity might be a problem.

5. An attack that finished in a complete failure

6. He was told to catch it and he did.

7. Calculating a door jump

8. “The majestic snow leopard”

9. “I think I found a bone!”

10. The scariest thing he’s ever seen — white slippers

11. When you get out of the shower and hear a noise downstairs, but see your wife and kids cuddling in the other room:

12. When you have no idea what to do:

13. “Gotta change the collar…”

14. Time to get up and you just can’t? It happens to cats too.

15. “Instructions unclear. Stuck in loop. Please reboot.”

16. DJ Cat: The beginning…

17. Your face when you value freedom the most and your owner doesn’t understand that:

18. An error occurred

19. 2 adorable dogs on a ride

20. If you are in a silly situation, just assume a great position and pretend you planned it this way.

Which of these animals made you laugh the most? Feel free to share your impressions in the comments and don’t forget to vote for the best!

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