We Love Animals

10+ Pets Who Love And Admire Their Owners So Much

Many people like to discuss whether cats or dogs love their humans more because our feline friends are known for being aloof and independent creatures. But in fact, both dogs and cats love their owners so much. They will follow us wherever we go, snuggle up to you when we’re cold, and shower us with kisses and hugs. They even comfort and cheer us up when we are sad and tired.

Here are some of the cutest and cuddliest photos of pets admiring their owners. Just look into their eyes and you will see how much they love their beloved hoomans. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. The look on her face says it all.

2. We already know they are going to be best friends for life.

3. “My 4-month-old puppy is always by my side.”

4. “My 14-year-old boy on my wedding day”

5. My wife’s 21-year-old cat blessed me with this moment today.

6. Get you somebody who adores you as much as this dog adores its owner.

7. “When I adopted Penny from a shelter 10 years ago she was scared and aggressive. Today she is the most loving cat I have ever met.”

8. My dog Stella totally adores my boyfriend.

9. Partners in love and crime

10. “This is how this old man always looks at me.”

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