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Woman Opens Hospice For Abandoned Dogs So They Can Feel Loved During Their Final Days

Can you imagine how sad and desperate dogs are when they are abandoned by their beloved owners? What’s even sadder is the fact that they have no one by their side to comfort them during their final moments of their lives. For this reason, the least we can do is to stay with them, making sure that when their time comes, they feel important and loved. They also know they were not just pets to us – they were members of the family.

Sadly, there are so many old or terminally ill pets get abandoned by their owners because they think that canine friends are just temporary visitors in their lives. However, they never know how much their canine companions love them – their humans are their whole life.

For that reason, a retired nurse named Nicola Coyle has opened up a dog hospice called The Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice to take care of abandoned old or terminally ill dogs that have less than 6 months to live. This selfless woman is making sure abandoned dogs spend their final days living life to the fullest.

“We’ll only take them in if the vet says they’ve got less than six months to live, so we’re focusing on end of life care,” the former nurse said in an interview. “I think the longest I’ve had one is around one year and the shortest was about two weeks.”

They are spoiled with love and treated they deserve before their last days walking on the Earth are closed to an end. Nicola throws the dogs a birthday party, takes them out for a nice steak dinner and much more.

“I don’t know when their birthdays are, so we make sure we throw all of them a birthday party,” says Nicola. “If they’re well enough, we take them for a day at the seaside, they get fish and chips on the beach and ice cream.”

Sadly, every happy story comes to a finish and ends in tears. It’s time to say goodbye – and it’s never easy. “We all get very attached to them, it’s very emotionally intense and we do mourn and grieve for them,” says Nicola. “We do need to have breaks between them.”

Thanks to people like Nicola, these dogs get to spend their final days feeling important and loved before departing to Doggy Heaven.

What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share this post with your family and friends.

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