Animals20 Photos Showing That Animals Can Make Sacrifices For Those They LoveCarolyn Mullet05/02/2020 by Carolyn Mullet Many people think that animals don’t have feelings and only humans have. But in fact, researchers have found that animals experience the same range of...
Animals10+ Adorable Photos Of Tiny Baby Animals That Are So Innocent And PureCarolyn Mullet01/02/2020 by Carolyn Mullet Nobody can deny the overwhelming joy that cute animals, especially baby animals, bring to our lives. Baby animals are so sweet and pure that we...
Animals20+ Animals Who Couldn’t Hold Their Eyes Open For One More SecondCarolyn Mullet31/01/2020 by Carolyn Mullet Sleep is a fundamental part of life that helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion. Nobody can avoid exhaustion and animals...
Animals20 Pets Who Love Cuddling Their Pregnant HoomansCarolyn Mullet30/01/202030/01/2020 by Carolyn Mullet As you know, dogs and cats are excellent at observing and sensing changes in the world around them, and that includes when their humans are...
AnimalsFriendship Between Rescued Dog And Pig Grows Unexpectedly But WholeheartedlyCarolyn Mullet29/01/2020 by Carolyn Mullet Dogs and cats can be great companions; why not pups and pigs. For Carlton and Colt, species-apart is not a problem. Owners of both animals...
AnimalsHorse Plays Dying Drama Whenever He Gets RiddenCarolyn Mullet28/01/2020 by Carolyn Mullet Tell me what a normal horse should do? Galloping, neighing, asking for carrots? Those are too mediocre. There is one equine in this world that...
AnimalsThese Animals Are So Photogenic That They Have Millions Fans From Around The WorldCarolyn Mullet27/01/202006/02/2021 by Carolyn Mullet We love animals, so we love taking pictures of them and talking about how cute they are. Just like humans, sometimes animals are blessed with...
AnimalsSquirrel Saved From Hurricane Can’t Sleep Without Her Own Mini Teddy BearCarolyn Mullet25/01/202006/02/2021 by Carolyn Mullet Jill is a squirrel that was rescued from Hurricane Isaac in Louisiana back in August 2012 when she was just seven weeks old. When the...
AnimalsThe Lively Life Of Pip The Beach Cat At The Ocean CityCarolyn Mullet24/01/2020 by Carolyn Mullet The Ocean City of Maryland has welcomed the presence of a special furry citizen been there to lift the spirit in his community. Let’s meet...
AnimalsSmarter People Talk To Their Pets – Is That True Or Just A Silly Act?Carolyn Mullet24/01/2020 by Carolyn Mullet Have you ever got people around you calling you a nut seeing you talking to your pets? You should put that aside. It’s proven by...