We Love Animals

Squirrel Saved From Hurricane Can’t Sleep Without Her Own Mini Teddy Bear

Jill is a squirrel that was rescued from Hurricane Isaac in Louisiana back in August 2012 when she was just seven weeks old. When the typhoon hit, Jill was knocked out of her nest and fell down to the ground. Luckily for the young squirrel, a nice family saved her and took her in their home.

At first, the family meant to foster her until she was a little older and stronger, but then they decided to adopt her. Jill realized that life with her new family was pretty sweet. Now it’s been seven years since she moved in, she is thriving and seems quite happy.

Since living in her new house, Jill has become a viral celebrity in her own right. She has her own Instagram account named This Girl Is A Squirrel with more than 690k followers from all over the world. Her Instagram page is full of awesome snapshots of her day to day life.

According to her Instagram profile, she’s a “vegetarian, parkour expert whose only fear is the vacuum. She loves every Starbucks napkin she meets, but not quite as much as she loves napping. And the cutest part is that whenever bedtime approaches, she insists on cuddling with her own miniature teddy bear. She always makes sure her permanent sleeping partner is in her tiny hands before falling asleep.

Jill seems loved by her family, judged by her lavish lifestyle. They celebrate her birthday and allow her to come with them on vacation. She frequently gets to enjoy delicious snacks, and sometimes gets to wear cute little outfits, too!

Meet Jill, the squirrel was rescued from Hurricane Isaac in 2012.

She has been the internet’s cutest celebrity since 2015

And a world-renowned fashionista

She loves giving her cuddly friend a good squeeze.

They make an absolutely adorable pair as they snooze together.

Has Jill convinced you to follow her already, too?

If you want regular updates from Jill and her fascinating life, make sure to follow her page to see all her adventures

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