We Love Animals

These Photos Will Prove That We Can’t Live In A World Without Dogs

It’s often been said that dogs are man’s best friend, but they’re more than just friends, they’re members of our family. So, when someone asks me to imagine what it would be like to live in a world without dogs, I will say that I don’t want to think about a world without our wonderful companions. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.

We have lived with dogs for over years and nobody can deny that they are great friends that we’re very fortunate to have in our lives. They deserve to be praised by the difference they make to this world through their missions, jobs or simply their personalities. They will comfort you when you are sad or hurt and will love you like you are blood relatives.

For this reason, we would like to show you a few examples as a reminder to appreciate your canine friends in your life. They know how to make this world a better place, so they deserve to be loved and happy. Scroll down to check out these fluffy heroes who will warm your heart immediately.

h/t: Bright Side

1. Now they’ll get lots of treats and big belly rubs!

2. Lucas, a sick little boy, and his service dog Juno share a special bond.

3. Dogs are known as man’s best friend, but here’s one pup who’s earned himself a different title: Best Assistant.

4. School is ruff, but they’re doing great!

5. It all came full circle for Jake.

6. “Wasao is out to charm passengers as a tourism station master.”

7. When a good boy greets you at the door with their tail wagging and tongue out, you can’t help but feel better!

8. This is a Warrior Canine Connection service dog being told they’re a good dog.

9. Its owner’s legs may be weak, but he has 4 and they’re strong enough for the both of them!

10. Air assault woofers, protecting us

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