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Cat Named Duchess Surprises Owners By Giving Birth To All Of “The Aristocats” Cast

You are a huge fan of Disney’s movies? You have watch The Aristocats many times and even you have dreamed about seeing Duchess and her three kittens, Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse in real life? Although your dream is so cute, it is an unreal dream, and you can just watch them in the movie or imagine in your head. Thankfully, the incredible story about a cat named Duchess and her family in this article will make your dream come true.

Meet Duchess, a beautiful white-fur cat who recently went viral after a picture of her family was posted on social media. She was adopted by Shelby Sewell-Lopez from East Texas in 2018. She was a frail cat with a hernia and just about every parasite possible.

Shelby told Bored Panda, “Through all of the rehabilitating, she kept her calm demeanor and a beautiful cat emerged. She is unbothered by everything except the vacuum cleaner!”

One day, the owners discovered Duchess hiding in a closet with something that at first looked like a mouse, but they were wrong! She gave birth a baby kitten and proceeded to give birth to three more kittens.

The owners soon noticed that there were three kittens looked just like the characters from The Aristocats, even the genders matched three kittens in the cartoon. For this reason, they decided to name them are Berlioz, Marie, and Toulouse. They also give the “bonus kitten” a name, Blue.

“Although Blue is not an official Aristocat, he is the most affectionate and definitely steals most of the attention,” says Shelby.

Look at how each kitten compares to the ones featured in “The Aristocats”. It’s so wonderful.

Meet Marie



h/t: Bored Panda

More info: Duchess and Kittens

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