We Love Animals

10+ Times Asshole Cats Were Publicly Shamed For Their Hilariously Horrible Crimes (New Pics)

#21. “This is Boo. He spent the day alone and this happened.”

#22. “I chased a stray kitteh from my garden and almost had my ear bitten off. Now I’m on antibiotics and contemplating my life’s choices. 10/10 will do it again”

#23. “Hi, my name is Winnie. I may only have one eye, but I was still able to calculate the exact distance I needed to push in order to introduce this entire pizza to the floor.”

#24. “Hello ! I am Munini and I live in the countryside of southern France. I have already killed an olive tree while sharpening my claws but today I preferred something more chic, more urban … Chanel.”

#25. “I am Krisu. I had surgery 3 days ago to remove a tumour. I got out of my cone, bodysuit, dressing, and humom’s last resort is to stare at me for 7 days to make sure the stitches stay on. Humom will go crazy soon.”

#26. “One of us peed on the bed right next to humommy last night, but we won’t tell her who. – Milo & Remi”

#27. “Yes, we had a repairman in the house…Yes, she kept biting his hand…Yes, she was very proud of herself…”

#28. “This is Lavina, she doesn’t care that it’s 4 am, she slaps those big feet on the patio door till she gets fed”

#29. “My girlfriend and I made biscuits..”

#30. “Hello, humans. My name is Boston and I enjoy long naps under the Christmas tree and crushing every present. This one has a tag that says it’s for my aunt, but it belongs to ME.”

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