We Love Animals

20+ Animals That Know How to Survive Hot Summer Days

Summer is coming and people start complaining about the heat. What can you do to face down the heat? You can use air conditioners or electric fans to get through even the hottest of summer days. But what are animals supposed to do? Living through a hot summer seems impossible but animals can do all the time. These pictures below will prove that our pets are real specialists when it comes to searching for cool places in the heat. We can find them inside refrigerators, on pool rafts, and so on.

However, you always remember that you need to keep your animals happy and thriving through the hottest summer months. Scroll down to enjoy and let us know who gets the award for best heat fighter.

h/t: Bright Side

#1. The first day of your vacation!

#2. Always stay near water…or a sink.

#3. “Air conditioners are for the privileged. You can watch though.”

#4. When your mom buys you the most beautiful hat:

#5. When you invite your friend to swim together but don’t tell them about all your plans:

#6. “Thanks to my dad’s Spanish roots, we have siestas.”

#7. “You can do whatever you want. Just don’t turn this thing off.”

#8. A workshop on how not to lose a single water drop

#9. A wet towel is your own way to heaven.

#10. In summer, a moose cares only about finding a pond. Its size and color don’t matter.

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