Cats10+ Cats With The Craziest Fur Markings You’d Almost Think Were Photoshopped by Carolyn Mullet #11. Is it weird that his second pair of eyes look more like cat eyes than his other eyes? #12. With this sword at his side, this is the cat who should be king. #13. Cats love teaching the world about the continents. #14. The only thing classier than a mustache, is a mustache with a cute, little goatee. #15. Time to flex those pecs! #16. Clearly, the best way to teach kids about shapes is to get a cat. #17. Charlie Chaplin is going to make a comeback. #18. To think that most girls need eyeliner and mascara to look this good. #19. Is anyone else suddenly in the mood for a cookie? #20. This is not a sleeping panda, it’s a cat’s butt. 1 2 3