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Heartbroken Dog Can’t Stop Crying After Realising He’s Been Abandoned And Updated

You will never have a more loyal friend than a dog. Man’s best friend will always be there to welcome you home and will gaze at you adoringly even when you are snoring on the sofa.
It is therefore even more devastating to consider the dogs who have been abandoned by the same humans they trusted would love them forever; whether that be through unfortunate circumstances or just sheer cruelty.

A particular sad instance of this is poor AJ, a six-year-old dog who was left heartbroken after being left at Carson Animal Shelter, California alongside his brother Toby.
Thee traumatised pit bull and Labrador Retriever mix appeared deeply affected by his ordeal, and shelter workers released footage of him appearing to weep as he cowered confused and homesick in a strange new kennel.

The footage shows AJ’s lovely eyes brimming with tears, his face contorted with stress and agitation. A woman’s voice can be heard trying to soothe him, but to no avail.

According to a Facebook post by Carson animal shelter, AJ and Toby both struggled upon their arrival at the shelter, becoming ‘sad and confused’:

Sweet AJ is beautiful and he has amazing energy and he was surrendered with his beautiful brother TOBY. They did great walking on a leash next to each other when they came in but now they are confused and alone and missing each other and home. They need help.

Saving Carson Shelter Dogs added:

AJ is 100% pure sweet, gentle, loving beauty, he loves other dogs and he is missing his brother, He is shutting down, he has a cold and he needs your help…

The video of AJ crying went viral, watched by over five million people.

Sad Dog Realises He's Been Abandoned

He can't stop crying after realising he's been abandoned… How can anyone treat an animal like this ????Saving Carson Shelter Dogs

Posted by UNILAD on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Animals lovers were urged to share the post in a bid to find the two heavy-hearted hounds forever homes, with many humans were deeply moved by the sorrow exhibited by the dejected dog.

One person commented:

I cannot read this. Just seeing that poor dog with tears in my eyes makes me want to cry, then I’m feeling sad and depressed. Some people don’t understand that dogs have feelings just like us.

Another said:

I don’t think he realises the extent of what’s happened but he’s certainly upset by it. Breaks my heart.


Thankfully, the campaign to find AJ a new family worked a (doggy) treat, and the once cast down canine’s tears have been replaced by a big, goofy grin.

Amazingly, the family decided to adopt both AJ and Toby; ensuring the bonded brothers remain by each other’s sides through every walk and nap time.

Writing happily about the rescue on Facebook, Carson Shelter Dogs told AJ’s new fanbase:

This beauty touched the hearts of a lot of people and today he was lucky enough to take his FREEDOM Walk out of the Shelter, even while he is struggling with a cold.

He was rescued and we are hoping tomorrow that Rescue will work with the different Rescue that is saving his Bonded Brother TOBY, so they can be reunited. Both have been seriously depressed since they were separated… Happy life sweet AJ.

Here’s to some happier times in the future for AJ and his beloved brother Toby.

This beauty touched the hearts of a lot of people and today he was lucky enough to take his FREEDOM Walk out of the Shelter, even while he is struggling with a cold. He was Rescued and we are hoping tomorrow that Rescue will work with the different Rescue that is saving his Bonded Brother TOBY, so they can be reunited. Both have been seriously depressed since they were separated… Happy life sweet AJ <3PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/savingcarsonshelterdogs/photos/a.219655291540446.1073741846.171850219654287/536011676571471/?type=3&theater

Posted by Saving Carson Shelter Dogs on Thursday, February 4, 2016

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