We Love Animals

5 Ways Cats Say “I Love You”

When you bring a cat home, he becomes a part of your family. Cats can live in packs but just as easily lead solitary lives where they do not need to communicate with or accommodate others. When cats live with you, they do need love and affection and enjoy being with their human family. They are constantly trying to find ways to communicate with you and find ways to tell you she loves you. It’s hard to know what cats are really trying to tell you.
In fact, there are many ways cats show their love for us. This exclusive list of behaviors delves into the incredible ways that our cats attempt to communicate their love for us. Which of these signs has your cat been displaying to let you know that they love you as much as you love them? Let us know in the comments!

#1. Head Butting

Head-butting may seem like an odd behavior, but it actually shows that your cat truly cares about you. According to Mother Nature Network, “Cats have secret glands concentrated on certain parts of their bodies, including their cheeks and heads. When your kitty rubs her head or face against you, she’s marking you with her scent and claiming you as part of her family group.” This is just a sign that your cat loves you and wants the world to know that you two belong together.

#2. Kneading

This is one of the main ways your cat tries to say “I love you.” According to the experts at PetMD, “If your cat is curled up and kneading your lap while you’re petting him, he’s returning the affection and telling you he loves you right back. Unfortunately, this can be quite painful, since the happier he is, the harder he’ll dig in with his sharp nails.”

#3. Following You

If you have a cat, you probably know she’s going to follow you wherever you go. We mean literally everywhere. In fact, in can start to surprise new cat owners when their cat watches them in the bathroom or they wake up to a cat staring in their face. But never fear, these felines aren’t trying to spy on your every move in order to plan their next attack. They’re actually following you around because they love being by your side! While she might not be sitting in your lap the entire time, just wanting to be in the room with you is proof that she needs and wants you around.

#4. Bringing Gifts

You may be familiar with your cat bringing you presents, such as toys or small, dead animals. This is your cat’s way of showing love.
Certified Animal Behavior Consultant Amy Shojai writes, “Cats love with gifting. Mighty hunter cats that catch everything from toys to bugs, mice or frogs, often share the bounty with those they love. Kitties who present you with this bounty deserve praise.”
While it might seem odd, Shojai says, “They wouldn’t bring these special gifts if they didn’t love you.”

#5. Making Eye Contact

In the cat world, making eye contact with a stranger is a challenge. It means you’re looking to fight, be it for a mate or your territory. Because of this, eye contact is generally avoided in the feline world. Your cat will likely tend to make eye contact only with people she trusts and is comfortable around. It’s a very intimate act and your cats eye contact with a slow, trusting blink, is a sure sign she loves you and is comfortable around you.

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