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Marwell Zoo Is So Excited About Its Newest Addition: A Newborn Przewalski’s Horse Foal

The Przewalski’s horse, also known as takhi, Mongolian wild horses, or Dzungarian horses, is among the critically endangered species on the IUCN red list. They were extinct in the wild from 1969 to 2008. That’s why the birth of any Przewalski’s horse foal is worth celebrating.

Image source: Marwell Zoo

Recently, the Marwell Zoo has announced the birth of a Przewalski’s horse foal. They are so excited about the newest addition.

Image source: Marwell Zoo

The foal was born to mother Tsetseg at night. Its sex has been still unknown but both the mother horse and the baby are doing really well now.

Image source: Marwell Zoo

Tsetseg received special care and attention during her pregnancy period. The zoo staff and administration made sure that they provided the mother horse with the best. She eventually gave birth to a healthy foal.

Image source: Marwell Zoo

Image source: Marwell Zoo

Marwell zoo is among a few of the zoos taking the initiative in trying to preserve this precious horse species. Thankfully, all their efforts are paid.

You can watch the video of the foal and its mother below!

Przewalski’s horses are native to central Asia and were last found on the Mongolian steppes of the Gobi Desert. They tend to live in large familial groups and the females give birth to a single foal after 11 to 12 months of pregnancy.

Image source: Marwell Zoo

These dun-colored horses are described as small and stocky with a large head, thick neck, and short legs. They also have a dark zebra-like erect mane.

Image source: Marwell Zoo

H/T: The Koala / National Zoo

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