We Love Animals

20+ Kitty Photos That Make You Just ‘Awww’ At Their Cuteness Overload

Many people say that cats are the most adorable creatures on Earth. That’s for sure! As cat persons, we always love these cute friends for their fluffy fur, sweet paws, pretty faces, and lovely behaviors. And baby cats, are even more adorable! If your cats have ever given birth to some kittens, maybe you will not take your eyes away from these newborn super cuties.
We understand that, and we want to keep you at those adorable moments forever. Life is short, so be careful you fill it with love and happiness. Here are twenty-first pictures of baby kittens that can make you just ‘Awww’, dipping yourself into sweety and cuteness. Not taking your time anymore, just scroll down, and enjoy!

#1. They are just so sweet babies. I love them!

Image source: cutepawsomekitten

#2. “She’s a 4 week old purebred highland lynx with cute curled tiger cub ears and extra beans on each foot! She also has twisted front legs — a common deformity in polydactyl cats, which is luckily treatable! But no matter what, we still love her!”

Image source: keystonekitties

#3. I haven’t seen a cat with mouse ears like this. Can anyone tell me what kind of cat is this?

Image source: loli__cat

#4. He looks so cute when he sleeps!

Image source: mudmud__cat

#5. “This morning, mama don’t kiss me in the head and hug me in her arms. I am so sad she doesn’t love me anymore :((“

Image source: viripotensa

#6. “Tell us, who is the cutest?”

Image source: catlandlove

#7. “Sorry mom, I bit it.”

Image source: magic_bastet

#8. “I know I’m just a cat … If someone breaks your heart we can use mine to live. I’ll always be by your side”

Image source: insta_blackcats1

#9. This is such a unique kitten <3

Image source: catsworld.ig

#10. “OK, I dressed up already. Where are we going to go?”

Image source: latte._.mitte

#11. “Eeeeeeeee I am hungry, where’s my food?”

Image source: snowbaby_cat_0529

#12. “When something goes wrong, I just meow”

Image source: catpetcafe

#13. “Oh, I have a headache. I need to sleep now…”

Image source: hi_tohi

#14. Perfect Paws!!!

Image source: milk_sanmanja

#15. “What do you think how I look in this Pijama?”

Image source: catpetcafe

#16. “Me or the laptop, what do you choose?”

Image source: luna_teddy_catlife

#17. “Let’s just hang down, come here, and take a nap with me!”

Image source: catpetcafe

#18. Notice the babies!

Image source: catfactrx

#19. Awww I love to live in this house!

Image source: lovely_cat98

#20. “Daddy, what did you say…. I didn’t get it”

Image source: azikat

#21. “My new kitten has a heart in his fur and it’s super cute.”

Image source: Sirnando138

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