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Dogs Go Animal Touching Stories

Boy Sells His Prized Pokemon Card Collection To Pay His Sick Puppy’s Vet Bills

Meet Bryson Kliemann, an 8-year-old boy from Lebanon, Virginia, who has a passion for Pokémon and watches it religiously. He has been collecting everything related to it since he was 4 years old. Now he has tons of Pokemon merchandise and a huge collection of cards. He loves them so much and considers them as the most prized possessions he has.

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

But one day, he set up a table outside his house with a sign reading “4SALE POKEMON”. At first, everyone couldn’t understand why he sold his most prized possessions that took him 4 years to collect. However, after hearing his story, no one could hold their tears. As it turned out, he sold them to save his sick puppy, Bruce. Despite loving them so much, he was willing to let them all go to raise money for Bruce’s vet bills.

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

Bryson loves his best buddy and mostly spends all of this time with him. The two friends share a close bond and become inseparable. However, everything changed when Bruce got sick and became lethargic. He refused to eat and come out of his kennel. Realizing that there was something wrong with him, the family decided to take him to a vet clinic to check up.

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

After some examinations, the vets said that Bruce had parvovirus, a dangerous disease which is lethal if left untreated. The family wanted to save him, but the treatment would cost $700, and they couldn’t afford it. However, Bryson refused to give up and decided to take matters into his own hands. He decided to sell his Pokemon card collection to raise enough money for the expensive treatment. He raised 65 dollars on his first day and kept going.

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798


Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798e credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

Inspired by her son’s actions, his mother, Kimberly Woodruff set up a gofundme page to help raise money to save the little dog. Soon the people knew the page and started giving them more and more money. Bryson made $400 just from selling cards! After his story was shared on the local news, the gofundme page started bursting with donations, and it went up to whopping $15,000. Needless to say, the fundraiser was great and went above and beyond the family’s expectations.

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

When the family had enough money to treat Bruce, they had no time to waste. They quickly took the pup to the vet and started treatment. With necessary treatment, Bruce started recovering from the sickness. After a week of treatment, the two friends were finally reunited. Kimberly shared that the little pup is “doing great, like amazing.” He certainly looks happy to be home!

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

The boy and the family then decided to donate the remaining money to help the treatment of other dogs. After their touching story went viral, some Pokémon employees in Bellevue, Washington, decided to gift the boy a package of rare Pokémon cards with a letter, “Hey Bryson, we were so inspired by your story about selling your cards for your dog’s recovery, these are some cards to help you replace the ones you had to sell.”

Image credits: kimberly.woodruff.798

The world needs more people like Bryson. If you love his touching story, please share it with your friends and family members to make their day warmer!

More info: Facebook

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