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Meet The Flame Bowerbird, The Only Flame That Won’t Destroy The Forest

If you love striking and vibrant colors, you will love this bird as much as we do. Meet the flame bowerbird, one of the most brilliantly colored critters in this world!

Image credits: Picuki/@miksam.photography

True to its name, this prominent species looks more like a flame than a bird. The male flame bowerbird always stands out with orange head and throat, golden yellow body and a bit of black on its wings and tail.

Image credits: Picuki/@dustinchen0728

The female, however, is a little duller with olive-green and brown plumage, but it also has a bright yellow belly like the male. To be honest, that contrast isn’t any less mesmerizing at all!

Image credits: Getty Images/BBC Natural History

The flame bowerbird is medium size, an adult bird often measures only about 10 inches, but it absolutely doesn’t need to be big to capture all of our attention!

Image credits: YouTube screenshot/BBC Earth

Even though we would love to witness their beauty in real life, it’s almost impossible. These gorgeous birds are only found in the rainforests of New Guinea, they are native to this island.

Like other bowerbirds, they could live in many different habitats like rainforests, eucalyptus, acacia forests and shrublands.

Image credits: YouTube screenshot/BBC Earth

We haven’t known much about these tiny creatures’ diet, but one thing we do know is they feed on fruits and insects like most other birds in this world.

Just like other bowerbirds, the male flame bowerbirds are known as talented constructors that build impressive bowers to attract the attention of the females. Of course, they will also need a nice display to successfully coax one.

Image credits: Picuki/@birdquest_tours

Needless to say, the females choose their mates based on the displays and the bowers. After mating, they build their own nest from soft materials, lay one egg and incubate it on their own. The egg often hatches after 19 – 24 days.

Image credits: YouTube screenshot/BBC Earth

As its population is quite stable, this lovely species is ranked among the least concerned on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Let’s take a peek at this fascinating birdy:

H/T: One Big Birdcage









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