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Emerald Wings, Bright Red Tail, And Royal Blue Underparts, The Tri-coloured Parrot Finch Is Dubbed The Treasure Of Nature

There are many outstanding finch species in nature. They wear a one-of-its-kind coat, making them stand out from the crowd. And we, humans, can’t keep our eyes off these striking fluffy creatures.

The Tri-coloured Parrot Finch is one of these marvelous birds. It has charismatic emerald wings, a brilliant red tail, and royal blue head and underparts. The strikingly beautiful plumage of this chubby little bird gives it the name treasure of nature.

Unlike male birds, female tri-coloured parrot Finch are a bit duller. They are covered with green color, except for a red tail and blue head and underparts.

This species is one of the smallest members of its finch family. It stretches to only 10cm long.

They distribute in the north of Australia, Southeast Asia, Japan, and the Tanimbar Islands, a cluster of small islands in the Maluku province of Indonesia.

These birds prefer living in the forests and grasslands.

There is one interesting fact about this beautiful species that they really love bathing. They are also friendly to humans if they trust them. It’s the reason why photographers may come closer to these birds and snap beautiful pictures.

If you love this stunning finch, just share this article with your family and friends. Nature is amazing!

H/T: Kingdomstv

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