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Meet Northern Carmine Bee-eater, A Breathtaking Carmine Bird That Jumps Out From A Fairy Book

I strongly agree that there are strikingly beautiful birds out there. These creatures have breathtaking plumage, making them stand out from the crowd.

Image Credits: Instagram/@birdsonearth

The northern carmine bee-eater is one of such outstanding birds. Many people think that this bird species only appear in fairy books. But they do exist in nature. If you spot it in real life, it will be a wonderful experience.

Image Credits: Instagram/@_samirjobanbirds

As you can see, these bee-eaters have a charismatic carmine coat. They also have a green-blue head, throat, and belly. Their black beak and red eyes also make these birds conspicuous wherever they are.

Image Credits: Instagram/@cherylmedow

Watch their video below.

Unlike other birds that have a distinctive look between males and females, northern carmine bee-eaters are very similar.

Image Credits: Steve Garvie / CC BY 2.0

Regarding its origin, this species is an African near passerine bird in the Meropidae family of bee-eaters.

They are endemic to much or central and northern Africa, such as the Central African Republic, Benin and Cameroon.

Image Credits: Luc Viatour / CC BY-SA 3.0

These birds mainly feed on bees but they also eat ants, grasshoppers, locusts, and other flying insects.

Image Credits: Instagram/@ales_malar

During the breeding season, female northern carmine bee-eaters build their nests on cliffs or near river banks and lay 5 eggs in.
Interestingly, both male birds join the females in incubating eggs and feeding the hatching. They will raise the chicks for around 21 – 32 days the chicks until they are fully fledged and can seek food on their own.

Currently, the population of the northern carmine bee-eater is quite stable.

Image Credits: Instagram/@sai.0_0

If you love this spectacular bird, just share this article with your family and friends!

H/T: One Big Birdcage

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