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A Spectacular Close-Up View of a Fiery-Throated Hummingbird

Photographer Jess Findlay captured this amazing shot of a fiery-throated hummingbird while shooting in the Talamanca Mountains in Costa Rica.

The image is a result of hundreds of photos taken over several hours with a telephoto lens as he waited patiently for one of the small birds to perch at just the right angle.

“Several of these hummingbirds were visiting a nectar feeder. As they fed hungrily, often quarreling with one another, occasionally one would get displaced onto a nearby branch,” said Finlay.

“I waited by the branch for a couple hours, staying very still. I used a telephoto lens with a special attachment that allowed me to focus on close subjects.”

“What made this a challenge was how fidgety these birds can be and the fact that the full spectrum of colour is only seen when they pause at a very specific angle.”

Findlay is a native of Vancouver where he’s extremely active in the photography community, offering a wide variety of workshops. You can see more of his work on Instagram.

Source: Kingdomstv

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