We Love Animals

20 Pets Who Found Themselves In Trouble And Begged Us For Help

Many people think that our pets have a peaceful and wonderful life. They sleep all day, eat whenever they want, and have some people to take care of them. But just like us, they also get themselves in trouble and need our help. From kittens trapped in the sofa to dogs stuck up pylons, these critters had been captured on camera when they ran into trouble.

We come across some furry babies that have found themselves in silly trouble and begged their humans for mercy. We are ready to show you just how hilarious and silly they are, so scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “Help me Human. There has been a Blizzard!” – Texas Cat

2. “Some of you might know Buttercup. This is the second or third time for a bath and it is helping with the fleas alot. This is a very good kitty but, gets scared really easy but that’s expected from this poor baby after being outside. I love this baby with my whole heart I will never leave.”

3. “Our big Ophelia was such a lovely rabbit. Cat couldn’t even believe the size of her.”

4. Big girl is scared of the vet office

5. “My cat caught a lizard!”

6. “My silly derpy dude for Pet Tax.”

7. “Caught the exact moment my dog fell over.”

8. “I’ve made a mistake, help me human!!!”

9. “My cat, Io, giving some heavy side-eye.”

10. “Little Bunny’s day at the spa.”

11. “My dog is scared of this hardcore party parrot.”

12. “Any love for a wet doggy dog?”

13. “My cat tried to climb the screen and got his nails caught in it so she’s stuck this way….Honestly she looks like a cartoon that just ran into a painted tunnel.”

14. “My baby tyler scared by dinos.”

15. “I was trying to take a picture of my sleeping cat but I ended up scaring her instead.”

16. “The “Human, I request your help” face. I love my cat!”

17. “Took my bunny to the beach for the first time… The beach may not be her thing.”

18. “Agnes is scared of her new baby brother.”

19. “Getting her nails clipped for the first time.”

20. “Brought a new baby home today. My nakey baby is a bit miffed.”

Are you a pet owner? What’s the most mischief they’ve gotten themselves into? Please share their photos with us in the comments below!

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