We Love Animals

15+ Furry Bandits That Love To Steal Food From Distracted Humans

You are enjoying a meal that you really love, but suddenly, when you turn around, your food is no longer there. You look around to figure out what are going on and meet your mischievous and sneaky pet. There is no doubt that he or she is the cruel thief who stolen your food. Although it can get quite annoying at times, we just couldn’t stand staying mad at them for long, and we’ll just laugh about their mischief.

We are totally “outraged” by these furry animals, so we gathered the cruelest ones to share with you. But no matter how naughty and bad they are, we still love them and forgive them for their mistakes. Scroll down to see for yourself!

1. We got a nugget thief.. caught red nosed!

2. “Soup thief! Caught red mouthed.”

3. Bagel thief

4. “My cat stole some school kid’s lunch.”

5. “Caught them with a stolen pancake and they followed me upset.”

6. “My dog stole a potato off the counter and made me chase him. His idea of a prank.”

7. Aspen the cat burglar.

8. “He stole my iced coffee!!!”

9. “I raise your egg thief, with my sausage thief!”

10. “You know that muffin you left on the side? It exploded.”

11. “Hugo stole the baguette from the table.”

12. “He stole my lunch apple!”

13. “Magpie making off with his stolen chocolate biscuit.”

14. Cute thief, stole my mini pancake

15. “My cat fighting to keep the sausage she stole from the table.”

16. Caught the tomato thief

17. Pizza Thief

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