We Love Animals

30 Times Pets Find Out They Are Heading To The Vet, And They Are Incredibly Hilarious

16. “Act like a human in order not to see the vet.”

17. “I’m trying to be invisible. I have never been ready to see the vet.”

18. “Who I am and where it is? This must be my home.”

19. “Huh? This is not the way to the park, dad. Where are we heading to?”

20. “Don’t come near me. I don’t want your cuddle now.”

21. “I’m sad that you cheat on me.”

22. “Uhm, the way to the park today is much different. Do you change the routine, dad?”

23. “I know that we’re heading to the vet. No explanation. I won’t trust you anymore.”

24. “Please be nice to me, sir. I’m still a puppy and always on the good list.”

25. “You say that we’re heading to the vet? Oh, my Godness!”

26. “I know that you cheat on us. We’re visiting the vet.”

27. “I’m super dubious about today’s routine. Your facial expressions reveal. We’re heading to the vet.”

28. “Please let me home. The vet is not a happy place at all.”

29. “Hi, my new friend! Are you still ok after seeing the vet?”

30. “You say what? The vet will be nice to me? I’m a bit scared and nervous, too.”

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