We Love Animals

How Do Our Pets Look Like If We Put Slippers On Their Heads?

Most pet owners like to come up with funny and unique ways to annoy their furry friends. And recently, someone decided to put a slipper on their pet’s head, took some photos, and shared them on social media. Pets are one of the best aspects of being a human, so it’s not surprising that the photos quickly went viral. After the photos appeared on the internet, many pet owners around the world captured their pets wearing slipper hats and shared them on various social media platforms.

We believe that these funny photos can cheer us up during difficult times, so we’ve prepared the perfect list to share with you. Scroll down to take a look at some photos of pets posing in their slipper hats as if they were The Pope.

1. “I can rock this color…????”

2. A black hat

3. “Do not touch my favorite hat!”

4. “Not impressed…at all…pink hooman? Seriously?”

5. “Hewo. You like mah teef?”

6. Pope Benecat the 1st.

7. And here’s what I think of YOU, hooman…Bleh!!!

8. A cute hat

9. “Hey, what are you looking at?”

10. Hooman, go back to work…????‍♀️

11. “You will pay for this HOOMAN!”

12. “I like it, it matches me.”

13. Aaaaaawwwwwwwww the face.. TOO CUTE

14. This cutie matches her cupcake bed now

15. “This is my cat Poppy. Pope-y? Marching band cat? Queen? All of the above? What do you think?”

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