We Love Animals

20 Pets Who Know How To Make Our Lives A Little Crazier

Anyone who owned a pet agrees that every cat or dog is crazy in their own way. But somehow that their crazy and weird actions just make us love them even more. Although these little fluffy weirdos bring chaos into our lives sometimes, they just want to make our lives better and happier after all.

We love how pets brighten up our lives, so we decided to collect some photos of them to share with you. These pics will show you that having a pet in your house can be one of the best things in your life. No matter how crazy and silly they are, we still love them so much. Don’t believe us? Scroll down to check for yourself!


“My cat during her crazy hour”


“Every time I try to leave the house…”


Here’s why many cat owners just can’t have nice things in their homes…


Say “cheese” and jump!


“How my cat managed this, I have no idea.”


“Every body part in this photo belongs to the same dog. He is a true noodle.”


The craziest book on the bookshelf


“The cats are right behind me, aren’t they?”


“She found a way to get under the house and out for the first time.”


“Apparently, something in my trash can smelled good.”


“He’s annoyed because he can’t catch the rope.”


“Tried to take a picture of these 2 cuddling…”


This good boy must have seen something truly exciting on the screen behind him…


“Found her sleeping like this and I can’t stop laughing.”


“Just wanted a nice family photo…”


We hope this fluffy cutie pie is just yawning…


“Had to take Arya to the vet. She’s not pleased.”


For some doggos, it takes a bit longer to figure out how to sleep right…


“Our kitten uses her tail as a pacifier.”


“She jumped out of her new cat bed before I could get a decent photo…”

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