We Love Animals

Become A First-Time Dog Owner And What Actually Happens, Showing In 30 Photos

16. “He still gets afraid of seeing the vet even though he grows up to be a house bear.”

17. “This adorable furry giant still has a puppy soul. Love cuddles and snuggle up on their owners whenever he wants.”

18. “He shows me this when it’s lunch time.”

19. When you need some private time but your dog doesn’t…

20. “You will get a toilet companion…”

21. “This house bear runs to me from somewhere and ask for some cuddles.”

22. “The morning walk has been so exciting until this happens…”

23. “He gets coziness in here.”

24. This is what actually happens when your dog wants to accompany you on the race…

25. “The dogs have many tricks to steal foods, whenever they want.”

26. When it’s time for a walk but you haven’t been ready to get out of the house yet. Your dog reminds.

27. They may not even let you sleep alone.

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