We Love Animals
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30 Times Animals Steal Human’s Hearts With Their Eyes

Animals are masters of expressing their true emotions through their eyes. Helpless, happy, angry, scared, or nervous – you can “read” how these fluffy guys feel when looking at their eyes. And people can’t get enough of these, both innocent eyes of puppies and mischievous eyes of grown-up guys.

And this post introduces 30 animals who probably steal human’s hearts with their eyes. They are so real. If Oscars were given for animal’s eyes, these fluffy guys would win. They are making our life more interesting and have taught us how to love and care for a person. Let’s check them out!

1. “Are you taking a photo of me, mom? Do I look pretty in the photo? I’m always pretty but I’m not sure about how I look in your pic.”

2. “I’m not happy with the flight, mom. I don’t like staying here. I love your cuddles and want to come home.”

3. “I still don’t understand what you are saying, mom. Can you explain?”

4. “I’m sniffing the smell of fresh grass. It’s great!”

5. “Are you calling me, mom?”

6. “I’m ready for the party. Are we leaving home now?”

7. “I understand what you say, mom. Believe me. I will behave well.”

8. “You are a sneaky mom. I saw you eating my Halloween candies.”

9. “Someone is staring at me, dad. Do I have something wrong?”

10. “It’s glad to see you for the first time, hooman.”

11. “I’m hanging out with my friends. We have a lot of fun together.”

12. “Huh. I’m not grumpy. You are making me irritated but you pretend that there is nothing.”

13. “Are you kidding me? We cancel the walk to the local park?”

14. “Hi. I’m just seeing people pass by me. This is one of my favorite activities of the day.”

15. “Hi, nice to meet you, hooman.”

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