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20+ Cute Pics Of Baby Donkeys That Will Melt Your Heart

Baby animals are absolutely incredible. They have born charisma that can melt all hearts, even those made of steel. While adorable puppies and kittens are more familiar with us, we seem to spend less time to adore baby donkeys. Once seeing them in real life or through photos, you will immediately fall in love with their innocent eyes and adorable expressions and gestures. With this mind, we’ve rounded up 26 cute pics of baby donkeys that will melt your heart.

Some people may think that donkeys look like horses. But actually they don’t. Their physical, mental, and emotional sides are different. Donkeys are more stoical in their behavior, startling less than horses. They are great an example of social animals who can fall into depression if left without any company of other donkeys. This is easy to understand why they build a strong bond with other animals. Donkeys are additionally intelligent. They never run before making sure if there’s real danger ahead. Amazingly, there are more than 100 donkey breeds out there, ranging from miniature donkeys to mammoth ones. Let’s scroll down to enjoy cute photos of these baby donkeys!

More info: boredpanda

#1 Sparky The Week-Old Miniature Donkey At Ashington Park Stud In Melbourne, Australia, Has A Surrogate Mum And Companion In The Form Of A Teddy Bear Called Ted. Sparky Was Rejected By His Mother After A Difficult Birth And Now Relies On Carer Sarah-Jane Lov

#2 So Fabulous

#3 My Donkey Introducing Her 5-Hour-Old Baby To My Horse

#4 Extra Floof

#5 Dougie, The Baby Donkey

#6 7-Weeks-Old Baby

#7 What A Happy Day

#8 The Cutest Creatures I’ve Ever Seen In One Place

#9 My First Baby Picture When I Was Found In The Barn. I Was Certainly A Surprise

#10 Baby Donkey Smelling Flowers

#11 Tiny Newborn Donkey Making Friends With A Horse

#12 Primrose The Premature Baby Who’s Getting Her Legs Straightened With Casts

#13 It’s A Girl!

#14 Levitating Donkey

#15 Baby Donkey Out Shopping

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