We Love Animals

Post Mail Carrier Hilariously Documents How This Cat ‘Protects’ Its Domain Every Day

Debra Anderson is a Canadian postwoman who works in Hamilton, Ontario. Recently, she shared some videos of a cute but dangerous kitty she often meets on her route. The videos have gone viral and gained lots of comments and shares.

Whenever the cat hears Anderson outside, it jumps straight at the window and starts frantically hissing at her, pouncing at the glass.

Anderson said the cat makes her route better and she absolutely loves it. Although she fell in love with it, she has to admit that the riled-up kitty is actually scarier than any dog she has met so far.

“I love my job so much and this cat truly makes my day,” Anderson wrote as she uploaded one of the videos. “Its hate for me ‘could’ hurt my feeling… [But] just the one. I feel there may be a deeper issue at hand. Pretty sure [the cat] wants to kill me,” she joked.

“Pretty sure it would rip my face off if the glass window didn’t keep [it] in”

Because the cat makes Anderson’s day happy and helps her feel better, so she often repays it by dropping the animal some treats. “The cat literally waits all day until she hears the mailboxes ‘clink’”

Here’s what people said about the kitty:

“This is proof that cats can guard their home just as well as dogs. But A Gooes is much better.”

“Kitty most likely alone and bored and this is the only action the cat gets all day. Kitty needs an animal buddy.”

“May be kitty is upset because you never have mail for her.”

“Love it! Highlight of the cat’s day – and yours too!”

“Thanks for the chuckle! He probably waits forever for you to come so he can defend his turf!”

Please share these videos with your friends and family members!

More info: YouTube

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