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15+ Photos That Show The True Nature of Cats

As you know, cats are intelligent, elegant, and calming companions who are capable of dealing with their own exercise and cleaning. But sometimes, they are not fluffy balls of goodness. They are famous for being independent, cool, aloof, and mischievous. They steal the food right off your bowl and pretend nothing happened a second later. They shamelessly take over your dog’s bed, destroy everything in your house, and disturb you even when you are doing something. But no matter how bad and mischievous they are, you still love them so much.

If you are a proud cat owner, we are sure that you witnessed your furry friend doing bad things. And in order to prove it once again, we’ve collected 17 photos from cat owners on social media to share with you. These pics perfectly show the true nature of cats and the life of having a cat in the house. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “Bought an orthopedic bed for the dog, he’s getting old and achy. He’s scared of the cat.”

2. “The black cat gets in the wood box, then the ginger one wants to get in too — on top, of course.”

3. “Elijah, you weigh 12 pounds and earn approximately negative $100 a month. Why are you taking up 75% of the desk chair?”

4. “I spent a week on this puzzle…”

5. Everything we needed to know about a cat and dog relationship captured in a single photo

6. “This happens every meal.”

7. “Why lie down on the cat bed when you can use the fruit basket instead?”

8. “The best pillow is an unwilling friend.”

9. “Got my first succulent. It lasted 8 hours.”

10. “What she does every time I try to game”

11. When you just want to look out the window but something goes terribly wrong:

12. The way your cat poses for a selfie with someone, and then the way they pose for a selfie with you

13. “I think I wasted money on the cat tree.”

14. “I don’t know what they’re doing, but it looks like some kind of ritual.”

15. If you want to catch a cat or 2, just leave a paper bag on the floor.

16. “He actually fell asleep like this, with his mouth fully around my daughter’s arm and claws dug in. If she moved, he woke briefly to tighten his grip.”

17. “My cat ’loves’ getting his picture taken…”

Are you a cat owner? Do your cats behave the same way? Share pics of your cats acting out in the comments, and don’t forget to share these pics with your friends and family members!

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