Animals20+ Pets Who Remind Us Exactly What Unconditional Love Looks Like by Carolyn Mullet 11. This kitty loves his human so much, and he knows what he has to do to get the attention he deserves. 12. This little boy has a job working as a greeter, and he is absolutely smashing it. 13. He never left his side. 14. This the look of love 15. “Her face is a little crooked, but she’s the best dog in the whole world!” 16. Sissy escaped her home and ran twenty blocks to find her owner who was in the hospital. 17. Best friend ever! 18. One aspect of unconditional love is supporting people no matter what. 19. Birthday boi 20. She makes us feel so wanted and needed. All she wants is your attention and simply saying her name gets you a cute tail wiggle and all her love. 1 2 3 4