We Love Animals

Meet Leo, The Super Cute Rabbit That Was Born With No Ears

When it comes to rabbits, we often think of their long unique ears – the most recognizable feature of them. For this reason, it hard to imagine how they would look without ears. However, nature works in strange ways, and sometimes a rabbit is born with no ears.

This is Leo, a super cute rabbit that was born without any ears. Possibly due to a genetic defect, Leo was the only one of eight siblings to come into this world without floppy ears. She now lives her happy life with her owner, Kylie Clarke, from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

“Once Leo was born I knew something wasn’t right. Then, as she got older, you could see she’s been born with completely no ears,” Clarke said.

Leo has this name because she looks a little bit like a baby lion. “I’ve never seen anything like it before. She’s just beautiful. We called her Leo because she just looks like a wee mini lion.”

Clarke was worried Leo’s situation, so she’s decided to keep her as a pet. Although she has no ears, she seems to be a healthy and happy rabbit. We are happy to know that Leo can live a happy and healthy life with her owner.

“I was really scared at the start, but when I started doing a bit more research, I realized it’s so, so rare to happen, but it can happen. As far as I’ve researched, there’s no spot-on explanation, really. She’s otherwise happy and healthy,” Clarke said.

Here’s how people reacted:

“It’s actually pretty common, they aren’t born that way, some mums actually eat the babies ears shortly after birth from over grooming them, I would bet that’s what happened here.”

“Looks like a Hamster too, but I guess Lion is the next one.”

“Isn’t this just a guinea pig? He is a cutie!”

“Yes 1st thing I thought straight away Simba out of Lion King.”

If you love this bunny, please share this post with your friends and family members!

Source: Bored Panda

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