We Love Animals

10+ Of The Cats That Bring Unexpected Gifts For Their Humans

Your cat may not be able to tell you how much they loves you via verbal communication, but cats may have other ways of telling you that. Some cats love to cuddle when they want to express gratitude towards us some purr, but right now we’re going to tell you about cats that bring their humans unexpected, useless gifts to express their love towards us! Well, a gift is a gift, and you should never belittle anybody’s efforts. Besides, who doesn’t like waking up next to a freshly-killed mouse?

Felines are known for bringing home random, useless things such as toys, random objects, or small animals(dead or alive). They feel proud when they present their little catch to you. By doing this they communicate a sense of alliance with you. So, in other words, while that freshly-killed mouse on your pillow may scare the hell out of you, just know that it wouldn’t be there if your furball didn’t love you wholeheartedly.

We have compiled a list of funniest, creepiest, cutest gifts given to people by their cats! Scroll down and enjoy. We’d love to hear from you your cat’s tales, so don’t forget to comment!

#1 My cat gifts me bottle lids, every now and then.

#2 I feel loved. Look what my cat brought me!

#3 Look what my kitty brought me!

#4 My cat brings me a dry leaf everyday.

#5 Surprisingly, little Sam brought me a flower this time…

#6 My sister’s cat brought her this.

#7 My cat brought me this. Oh well.

#8 This is the third time that my cat  brought a sponge.

#9 My friend’s cat brings her different shaped leaves every now and then.

#10 My cat brought me an old birthday balloon.

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